Friday, July 31, 2009

Why do i get this?

I try uploaded site pages that i have to a web host, maybe someone can tell me this.

%26lt;The reason you are encountering this message is because you did not upload your default page. Please upload your main page and make sure it has one of the following names:

(default.htm, default.html, index.htm, index.html, index.asp, or default.asp),

my site builder that i have on my pc supports (HTM format, so do i save them in one of the formats %26lt;default.htm, default.html,%26gt; index.htm?
Why do i get this?
index.html. never use .htm.
Why do i get this?
The answer should be obvious.

But since you're confused, just save your main file as "index.html" and upload it to your web server's root directory.

Please read up on HTML and web servers before asking...

The link below is just the first one that popped up on Google.

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