Friday, July 31, 2009

How can I get a website to remove defamatory information about me?

Hello. Back in the day I posted some things on some forums on a couple websites. Some people found it offensive. Due to my inexperience they got my real name. Then they made a website where they list my name, insults aimed at me, and a bunch of untrue information. The problem is that if someone who looked up my name found it might think its true.

The webmaster refuses to do anything. If I contact the web host that provides the service to the webmaster. can they legally do anything?

Any advice appreciated.
How can I get a website to remove defamatory information about me?
You could threaten them with a lawsuit. Try that.
How can I get a website to remove defamatory information about me?
Contact the webhoster, or server and tell them the problem and tell them you are seeing a lawyer and they will be named in the suit as a hoster and ask them to take action before you do and if they still will not remove I would seek legal help. If you perfer not to , I would do your own site with the real info about you and put a link on that group, yes they will notice and erase but hey its worth trying
Reply:Hire a lawyer before it gets any worse.

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